Thank You times 100!

Last week Lit and Scribbles hit 100 followers! I’m so humbled to have reached this point and when I think over the last several months of blogging, what has made it worthwhile is hearing from all of you. Thanks for bringing me to this point.

So, in Scribbles tradition, I’m saying thank you in the form of comics. Now believe me, drawing all 100+ of you in comic form did cross my mind, but… well, I’m human and it takes me forever! So I took the top commenters plus a few other peeps I’ve interacted with a lot recently and transformed you. I mostly used your profile pics for inspiration, but on some of you I added a little personalization where I could. I hope you enjoy it. As my gift to you, feel free to use your comic self for your own blog or other purposes.

And now, a thank you from Jae.

Brian TaylorBrian Taylor. Let’s start with Brian over at Descent into Slushland. Brian and I became acquainted in the beginning of Lit and Scribbles days. He’s the type of blogger friend that makes all this blogging madness worthwhile. We constantly encourage each to succeed and keep becoming better writers. I’ve gotten valuable and very honest feedback from him—something that if you want to grow as a writer you have to be brave enough to face. But it was never done with malice, which is probably why I had no problem receiving it.

Brian is always the music master. If  you’re ever looking for a specific type of song, he’s the man to come to. He does Songs of the Week on his blog if you’re ever in search of new music or just good music in general. He also offers writing advice and great posts on encouragement and fortitude in writing. Be sure to check him on out Descent into Slushland. Thanks Brian for all of your help and encouragement!

Daphne Shadows. Daphne I think I met via Brian and sometimes I think of us as the Three Amigos. (Daphne, I think you’re Ned, Brian, I think we could switch back and forth between Lucky and Dusty.) I drew Daphne in her PJs with a book because I like to think that she attempts to go to sleep, but ends up reading instead. She’s got a great passion for writing and when she does blog posts there’s a refreshing kind of honesty in them. Her story ideas are amazing and I think if she keeps up her motivation in becoming an author she’ll one day realize that dream. Check Daphne’s blog out at Daphne Shadows. Thanks Daphne for just being you!

Mystic Cooking
Mystic Cooking aka Kati and Heidi. These two fabulous ladies I met at the Backspace Writers Conference in NYC as fellow YA writers. Our YA group in general was fantastic! One of the best parts of that NYC trip was heading to Max Brenner’s and eating way too much chocolate. But it was soooo good! These sisters are co-writing a novel called Mystic Cooking, which I think is an amazing cooperative feat—I think co-writing anything would be tough. Mystic Cooking’s novel premise is enticing and I’m sure one day we’ll see it on bookshelves and Kindles everywhere. Glad you two are on the blogosphere! Check out what Kati and Heidi are up to on their Mystic Cooking blog.

P.C. Zick
P.C. Zick. Patricia is a more recent blogger friend with whom I share an old-fashioned love of pens, pencils and notepads. She’s just one of those people you’re bound to have good conversation with. I’ve enjoyed getting to know her. I drew her with flowers because she said she liked gardening, and a notepad since it’s among her favorite things. Patricia is published and has 4 books available on Amazon or her website. You can read more from Patricia on Living lightly upon this earth. Thanks Patricia!

Phillip McCollum
Phillip McCollum aka beatbox32. Phillip I met while scouring WordPress for more writer blogs. They’re extremely difficult to find sometimes, but I was glad to stumble across his. I drew Phillip with a yellow glow about him based on his profile pic which has all kinds of shiny all over it, like JJ Abrams and a lense flare gone bad. Makes for a cool effect though. Phillip’s blog posts have provided me with all sorts of helpful information, which is why I keep going back for me. That and he’s a great blogger to get to know. Check him out at Phillip McCollum.

Jennifer Adams
Jennifer Adams. At first I read her name as Jenna and for the longest time that’s how I thought of her. Then I realized it was more likely Jenn N. Adams. Haha! Sorry Jenn. I enjoy connecting with Jenn, not just because she’s a writer, but like Daphne she has a real world honesty in her posts whether about writing or not. I just like seeing what she’s up to. Jenn, I drew you with an old school Navy hat since you’re a Navy vet, and your cute girl in a cowboy hat because I liked that pic from your blog so much. Keep on blogging, I’ll be reading. You can see what Jenn is up to on her blog My Life as a Single Mom.

A.M.B. That’s all I know her as, but she blogs over at The Misfortune of Knowing. I like seeing what she’s up to and got to know her more from her posts on the unfortunate business of book banning. She’s strongly against it (as we all should be) and it’s interesting to hear her perspective on certain things, especially as a female lawyer. Thanks A.M.B. for being you and expressing your opinions. I drew you with a ‘don’t ban books’ sign and a mask of your profile pic your kids drew which is what I know you by. Check out A.M.B. over at the Misfortune of Knowing.

Gloria Weber
Gloria Weber. I think we became acquainted thanks to Row80. (You should check Row80 out if you haven’t. You meet good peeps and it’s helpful to be accountable for your goals). We share a love of all things Asian, but especially Japanese. If you ever see us in the comments section, don’t be surprised if you see responses in English, Spanish, and Japanese. It’s just how we roll. We’re both trying to up our second language skills in Español and 日本語 and we figure some practice is better than no practice. That’s why I drew a 日本語 book in her hand. Her profile pic also has cool eye patterns that remind me of a character in my novel. Anyways, she’s a great gal you should definitely get to know. Gracias y ありがとうGloria! Check Gloria’s blog here.

Alexandrina Brant
Alexandrina Brant. I can’t quite remember if I met Miss Alexandrina via Row80 or general blog searching (I read a lot of blogs every day… sorry…), but I don’t really care because I’m glad we’re friends now. We share an obsession with time travel which includes Doctor Who and I’m fairly certain if the Doctor showed up at either of our houses we’d jaunt off with him without a second thought. Miss Alexandrina’s comic I was the least certain about since the only pic I had was teeny tiny. I apologize if it isn’t exactly you, this was the best I could do. I added a clock for good measure, since you love time so much. Miss Alexandrina has a great novel in the works, and she’s a lovely genuine person you’ll be glad you got to know. Check out her posts at Miss Alexandrina.

And there you have it. A nice 10% representation of all 100 awesome people that you are. I enjoy reading your blogs and try to get to them every day. I appreciate all of your support, even if all you have time for is a quick glance. But I do love your comments and having conversations with you. It encourages me to keep going on those days when I’m not sure blogging and sometimes even writing is worth all this effort. You show me that it is. So thanks again!

Your Blogging Friend,

25 thoughts on “Thank You times 100!

  1. Thank you so much for the mention in your blog! That is so very thoughtful of you! 🙂 Now I feel special lol! Yes, you’re correct, it’s Jenn N. Adams. I couldn’t get it to capitalize the ‘N’. I’m glad you enjoy reading my post as much as I enjoy writing them.

  2. Wow Jae! I’m super flattered. I hope you don’t mind if I right-click-save that doodle of me. I love it!

    I’m glad my scattered-brain musings have been helpful for you. Yours have done the same, especially the series on book covers. Not that I’m anywhere near having to worry about that, but it doesn’t hurt to plan for the future. 🙂

    I look forward to many years of helping each other out.

    • Certainly you can save the doodle. It is a scribble of you after all. I especially found your one post quoting Stephen King to be very helpful. That’s what’s great about this blogging community. You know about things I don’t and vice versa and when we share our collective knowledge is incredible. So keep on sharing!

    • It’s the least I can do for all the help they’ve given me. Glad you liked it too and you should get to know these people if you don’t already, they’re great!

  3. What can I say? I told you yesterday I knew I would like it, and I do. Bumping into you has been one of the best things that has happened to me since blogging. How’s that for appreciation? I said it before, and I’ll say it again, “You’re one of the good ones, Jae. Don’t change.” Thank you just doesn’t seem adequate, but it’ll have to do.

    *looks around* Now where’s Daphne?

  4. Aww, thanks, Jae! We’re so glad you were in our YA group in NY – it really made the whole experience much more fun! 🙂 I love the comic version of us and I’m totally going to steal it and put it on our blog. Thanks for the blog love!

    • Amal, nice to have your name and glad you liked the comic. And thanks to your kids for the mask inspiration. Tell them I think it’s one of the funnest masks I ever had the pleasure of scribbling into a comic. Thanks for stopping by! 😀

  5. *squee* Aww, Jae, I’m honoured! *surprise hug*
    I make it one of my ambitions to be the Doctor’s companion. One day… 😛
    My doodle is so cute! I love seeing people’s representations of me. (On the same theme, I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned how wonderful your background is. I especially love the joy of the #amfinished character and the concentration of #amwriting!) But you did very well! You’ve got the atrocious not-quite-blonde-not-quite-brown of my hair perfect. You’re totally right, there are not many pictures to go on – it doesn’t help that all the pictures I have used have been a misrepresentation, my curly hair straightened and pinned up. I need to find an excuse to put up some pictures of myself as I look on the daily basis!
    For the record, you first commented on my post about changing the tone of a piece.
    Thanks, Jae! *grin* I feel like I need to make a post about you now xD (*thinks* Or a post about the way I’m represented online…)
    PS. I have read your email 🙂 I’ve been having a stressful week, so I haven’t had the chance to reply directly yet. Would you like me to just send the first chapter as is?

    • There’s not a deadline on it, so if you feel like it’s ready you can send it, and if you need some more time that’s okay too. I’m pretty flexible. I’m glad you like your pic! 😀

      • Well, I’m not really doing anything with it at the moment, so I don’t think the word ‘deadline’ is relevant in this context. I just simply haven’t had the will- (or computer-) power to sort out my emails this week. Grr.

  6. Thank you for including me. You are such a sweetheart! And I totally saved myself a copy of that drawing. Might even use it today in my check-in post for ROW80 (and yup, that’s totally how we met). El dibujo es chulo. 🙂 おいそがしいでしょうね。 How did you ever find the time to do all this?

    • You’re welcome and I’m glad you liked it. I was hoping it would make you うれしい! As for finding el tiempo, no sé, I just sat down and drew mi corazon out.

  7. Well done Jae.

    If I count all the spammers for fake purses, as well as the spammers who think insulting me is the way to sell fake watches, I may have 100 followers too 😉

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