Go Get Some Free Books

If you followed the blog for any reasonable amount of time you know I have big love for Amazon. Too much really. I’m considering starting a self-help group.

jae loves amazonAnyway, to add to the list of the billion wonderful things about Amazon, is free e-books. Ahem. FREE! I know what you’re thinking. Pshaw, those are just the crappy “I uploaded straight to Amazon after NaNo without even editing” books. Well, that’s true, some of those are there.

But you can also find a lot of great other books there, many of them the classics. If you’re like me, you may already own some of these in print form, but it never hurts to have a good book available on your phone or Kindle on the plane or whenever else you need to kill time. I probably “purchased” 30 or so books myself. I didn’t scour through all the plethora of free books, but I think I found a substantial amount of gems among the coal.

The goods:

And a bunch from Charles Dickens, Jane Austen, H.G. Wells, Jules Verne, even a copy of Little Black Sambo I’d heard of reading my friend Amal’s blog.

One of the free e-books. I thought the cover was intriguing.

I also picked up a few others I thought looked interesting: Darkness Falls by Jessica Sorenson, Bah, Humbug! by Heather Horrocks, The Soulkeepers by G.P. Ching, The Book of Deacon by Joseph Lailo, and Child of the Mist by Kathleen Morgan.

Go forth and get for free my friends. If you don’t have a Kindle, it’s all good, you can get the Kindle app on your smartphone and read it there. And if you don’t even have a smartphone, still all good, you can download it and read it on Amazon—holding onto it for later when you do get a Kindle. (My friend is selling me her old one for $20. Amazon lending library HERE I COME!)

Are there any free books on Amazon I missed out on that you’d highly recommend? You know I love a good deal! What books did you get free that maybe aren’t now but you think are still worth paying for? Any books on the cheap you think we should pick up? Let us all know below.

Who doesn’t love free?